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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Valuing SEND (VSEND) tool

The Valuing SEND approach is part of the local authority SEND toolkit for settings and schools, to ensure children and young people with SEND have access to high quality local provision that meets their needs and enables them to achieve their potential best possible outcomes. The tool provides a single, rounded picture of children’s needs and the support they require to succeed and prosper. It informs planning at both individual and whole school level and provides key information for referrals to Specialist Services, requests for EHC Needs Assessments and decision-making panels linked to requests for changes of placement.  


The aim of Valuing SEND is to standardise the approach to identifying needs earlier and improving outcomes for children and young people.


Using the VSEND tool and approach in practice:

  • establishes a common language when describing levels of need and enables planning of how to meet needs.
  • supports the work of professionals and promotes collaboration between staff and parents.
  • supports the child - enabling tracking of progress made and supporting annual review and transition planning
  • enables settings and professionals to build a peer support network and share best practice and support strategies
  • supports settings to identify gaps and areas for further development (resource / budget allocation, training and recruitment)