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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


DSPL7 Parent Support


SEND Family Support Worker

The DSPL7 SEND family support worker is Clare Tominey Smith.  Clare works with families, schools and other agencies to provide a holistic approach to understanding and supporting a child and family’s needs. She has extensive knowledge of SEMH and SEND issues and is able to provide practical advice and parenting strategies, alongside emotional support, for families of children who are presenting with challenging behaviour often related to ASD and ADHD.


Clare provides a short-term intervention, usually 6 sessions over a 12 week period.  Conversations can take place in the home, in school, online or by phone.  Topics covered typically include anxiety, anger management, sensory needs, routines and boundaries, positive communication, emotional literacy and resilience.


Clare has completed a range of training - Trauma and Attachment, ADHD and ASD, Resistant Families, Protective Behaviours, My Teen Brain, Emotionally base school avoidance, and Young Minds Resilience training.


School SENCos and other professionals are able to refer families for support by completing the referral form below and emailing it to
